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Ollie Wolf
1 month ago
I’d definitely visit this maid cafe! XD What anime are the characters from? Or are these your original characters?
Thank you for letting me know!! I don’t care about adult sites reuploading my stuff, but hate when it’s reposted to youtube because it just exposes it to kids :/ Will copyright strike it, many thanks~
Is this the same account
I seem to have apparently forgot my password or some shit
1 month ago
are you ever gonna fix the problem with all the kids on this site? not putting pressure or anything, because there’s probably not a lot of easy ways to fix it, but it’s sorta uncomfortable looking through the comments, seeing people who are obviously underaged.
While I agree that there is an issue, it’s also, in a way, the kids fault, for ignoring a warning about an 18+ website, and the parents fault, for giving a kid unrestricted access to the internet. I get that kids can be stubborn and naive, especially when told not to do something, but if a website says it’s an 18+ website, and they ignors it, that’s on them imo. And if they’re really young, they shouldn’t have any access to the internet, let alone unrestricted access.
While that’s true, and I think that it’s also on them and the parents, I feel like maybe some simple blacklisting of the IP’s or emails, while maybe tedious, would do a lot.
Sorry I don’t check the comments to moderate maybe as often as I should, but I do go through and delete ones that are obviously kids – and I do have a list of blocked IPs in an effort to try and stop them somewhat, but it’s almost trivial to get around something like that :/ I’ve thought of having one of those quizzes they had in Leisure Suit Larry with questions only old people would know the answer to, but that wouldn’t stop them much in the end and would just make people mad imo ahaha. I don’t want to have to make the comments restricted to subscribers only but that would be the only tangible solution? Or maybe I can add a button to report a comment, if it gets enough reports it’s removed/put in spam? Long story short – I recognize and agree it’s an issue, but it’s hard to truly enforce anything and I might just have to look into a better moderation system to keep it from being obnoxious ;p
It’s definitely not just a one-solution kind of problem with an easy fix that would make everyone happy. Stuff like a report button or any similar features would help a lot imo—maybe by sending reports to some kind of external source.
It’s definitely not as easy as just snapping your fingers and having everything fixed, though, LOL.
Thank you for doing that! Sorry for bothering you a bit about the issue, it just bugged me a bit seeing those comments, so thanks a ton for putting in the effort!
no, I’m stuck waiting to move everything over to this domain because subscribestar hasn’t gotten back to me yet with approval… I might just move it over anyways at a certain point though :/
5 days ago
Hey fet I was scrolling on YouTube and I saw this guy had your art in his vid his YouTube is sparkyfurbaby
5 days ago
Hey fet I was scrolling through YouTube and I saw this guy had some of your art in his vid his yt is sparkyfurbaby
I’d definitely visit this maid cafe! XD What anime are the characters from? Or are these your original characters?
They’re all from Blend-S! ^^
Thanks 4 the info! ^^ I’m gonna check it out
id go to this cafe but not look under skirt
the people in the back of the image moves their arms slightly FET FIX THIS!
They move their arms because the scene progresses…
Someone stole your first time animation Fet
ive also seen one of one of his image thing the one wih the cat
Dude, Fet’s animations are all over sites like PornHub, ThisVid, and even YouTube. This is nothing new, my guy
nvm couldnt find it
Thank you for letting me know!! I don’t care about adult sites reuploading my stuff, but hate when it’s reposted to youtube because it just exposes it to kids :/ Will copyright strike it, many thanks~
fet why do people repost your vids?
Now fet, I ain’t gonna do it but if it’s a 18 pluss video would you still let it be uploaded, like youtube can set their maturity rating to 81 plus
I so would love to see this as a animation
Is this the same account
I seem to have apparently forgot my password or some shit
are you ever gonna fix the problem with all the kids on this site? not putting pressure or anything, because there’s probably not a lot of easy ways to fix it, but it’s sorta uncomfortable looking through the comments, seeing people who are obviously underaged.
While I agree that there is an issue, it’s also, in a way, the kids fault, for ignoring a warning about an 18+ website, and the parents fault, for giving a kid unrestricted access to the internet. I get that kids can be stubborn and naive, especially when told not to do something, but if a website says it’s an 18+ website, and they ignors it, that’s on them imo. And if they’re really young, they shouldn’t have any access to the internet, let alone unrestricted access.
While that’s true, and I think that it’s also on them and the parents, I feel like maybe some simple blacklisting of the IP’s or emails, while maybe tedious, would do a lot.
Sorry I don’t check the comments to moderate maybe as often as I should, but I do go through and delete ones that are obviously kids – and I do have a list of blocked IPs in an effort to try and stop them somewhat, but it’s almost trivial to get around something like that :/ I’ve thought of having one of those quizzes they had in Leisure Suit Larry with questions only old people would know the answer to, but that wouldn’t stop them much in the end and would just make people mad imo ahaha. I don’t want to have to make the comments restricted to subscribers only but that would be the only tangible solution? Or maybe I can add a button to report a comment, if it gets enough reports it’s removed/put in spam? Long story short – I recognize and agree it’s an issue, but it’s hard to truly enforce anything and I might just have to look into a better moderation system to keep it from being obnoxious ;p
It’s definitely not just a one-solution kind of problem with an easy fix that would make everyone happy. Stuff like a report button or any similar features would help a lot imo—maybe by sending reports to some kind of external source.
It’s definitely not as easy as just snapping your fingers and having everything fixed, though, LOL.
Hey! Just as a lil update – report buttons are now a working feature on my development site (hoping to move it over by the end of the month)~ 🙂
Thank you for doing that! Sorry for bothering you a bit about the issue, it just bugged me a bit seeing those comments, so thanks a ton for putting in the effort!
No!! It was 100% overdue, trust me it bugs me seeing them too ahah. Thanks for bringing it up! 🙂
are there anymore uppdates to this site coming in the near future Fet? like you images, art and mostly your animations
no, I’m stuck waiting to move everything over to this domain because subscribestar hasn’t gotten back to me yet with approval… I might just move it over anyways at a certain point though :/
Hey fet I was scrolling on YouTube and I saw this guy had your art in his vid his YouTube is sparkyfurbaby
Hey fet I was scrolling through YouTube and I saw this guy had some of your art in his vid his yt is sparkyfurbaby
I couldn’t find anything, was it recent?